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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Lexus LF-Ch - A luxury compact hatchback (NOT an automotive hermaphrodite

Ladies and gentlemen, quit your bitching. Luxury car companies are now producing little cars, hatchbacks, and little hatchbacks, and you can do nothing about it.

No, they aren't diluting the brand. No, Lexus LS customers aren't going to be turned off that the "little people" are entering their precious dealership to buy a cheaper, smaller car. People feel the same way about the dealership whether the car is 15,000 dollars or 150,000 dollars: Treat me well, give me a fair deal, and take good care of my car, and I'll be happy. So shut your faces, vicarious-snobs.

Anyways, I am off my soapbox now. The Lexus LF-Ch. Continue reading about it here: Lexus LF-Ch.

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